Suggested Audience

 Who's it for?

  A book of To Kill a Mockingbird 's caliber should be a book read, and experienced by all.  With a classic story that simply cannot be rivaled To kill a Mockingbird is a book that can appeal to a variety of audiences... but not all.  The reasons behind this are quite strong.  When going into specifics I must suggest the book to people above the age of 15.  I strongly stand behind this suggestion because of the content written in the book.  These things include racial remarks, strong language, and violence.  Aside from these drawbacks there are a few other reasons certain types of readers shouldn't read this book.  Those who may be bound strictly to fantasy and highly exadurated liturature may not want to attempt to read this book.  I say this because there is nothing magical about it.  It has no dragons or wizards and whatnot.  It is a more serious, but somewhat adventurous in a very urban sense.  I would suggest that those who are overly sensative or offended not to read this.  I say this because throughout the book there is a boatload of racism. So if you dont like the accurate depiction of the 40s, you're going to have a bad time.  Going back to who SHOULD read the book, I would have to restate that essentially anyone about the age of 15 and any person who enjoy a good book, none of that twilight crap.  We're talking about some quality stuff here, like classics.  If you can handle a slower pased book that has consistant impacting moments that can rustle a person's Jimmies in an amazing way.  If you're a person with the time to do it you should go for it.  Good luck and have fun.


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